Library Collection

With the excellent blend of print and electronic resources in the form of books, journals, databases, technical reports, and standards, the library collection is one of the finest in the region particularly in the field of engineering, management, and Legal studies. This rich and valuable collection built over the period of last few years has some of the valuable reference materials and several important journals. The total print and e-book collection of the library exceeds more than 4.8 lakhs+ volumes.

Engineering 125867 41 33
Management 41173 24 10
Law 38611 35 13
Multiple Subject e-database 5
Health Science 4366 27 3
e-Books 274871 - -
Thesis 382 - -
Dissertations 3189 - -
E-Journals/proceedings-Engineering - 36007 -
E-Journals-Management - 8109 -
E-Journals-Law - 6748 -
E-Journals-Health Science - 453 -
E-Standards - 4582 -
Non-Book Materials (CDs/DVDs) 222 - -
Bound Volumes of Journals 2801 - -

Print Collection

The Library has a total collection over 2.10 Lakhs+ print volumes including general books, textbooks, e-books and theses & dissertations. Books are organized on open access shelves in various collections.

General Collection

Library has small collection of general books. Books for professional reading, research and supplementary texts are kept in this collection.

Reference Collection

While most books are available for loan, books in Reference Section, Theses & Dissertations, and Periodicals section can be consulted within the library. subject to copyright regulations reference material can be photocopied. Photocopy Service is available in the library.

e-Book Collection

The Library has a total collection over 2.74 Lakhs+ e-book titles along with access to World e-Book Library.

Textbooks Collection

Textbooks for undergraduate and post-graduate courses are kept in a separate collection.

Light Reading Collection

While the strength of collection lies in technical subjects, an impressive light reading (leisure, sports, fiction, self-development) collection is available for loan.

Competetion Books

Library has strong collection of books for competetive examinations such as Civil Services, GATE, GMAT, CAT, etc.

Journals and Magazines

Only journals with professional and research orientation are subscribed by the library. Library subscribes to several daily newspapers.

Electronic Collection

Library has strong collection of Bibliographical, full-text, statistical databases, e-journals and e-books collection.