Library FAQ

Q: What are the resources available in the Library?

The Library is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the forms of Books, E-Books, E-Journals, E-proceedings, E-Standards, Research databases, Print journals, theses, proceedings, reports, maps atlases etc.

Q: How do I distinguish reference books from other library books?

Reference books are marked as "NFI" on the front page of the book.

Q: What types of documents are kept in the Reference Collection?

Reference collection mainly contains encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, directories, atlases, audio, video, CD and one copy of each titles.

Q: Are E-RESOURCES accessible to all the users?

E-Resources are accessible only to UPES students, Research Scholars, faculty and staff on the campus and from outside the campus.

Q: Can I access the E-Resources (Reseach Databases, E-Journals, E-Books etc.) from outside the campus?

Yes, E-Resources are accessible to all UPES students, Research Scholars, faculty and staff from outside the campus using the "off-campus Access". Visit GyanKosh Library portal and click on Off-campus access and access using your official Mail ID and email password. All student should use their mail ID as

Q: Whom should I contact If I do not get access to a particular E-RESOURCE or want to learn more about E-Resources?

Please contact at Help Desk or you may send mail at for assistance / help in using the e-resource.

Q: How can I become a member of the Library?

A new user has to collect the SAP ID card from SRE / HR Department. please visit the library once to activate your membership.

Q: Who are authorized to use the Library?

The Student and Faculty members who possess the SAP ID Card are authorized to use the library as per the rules and regulations of the Library.

Q: How do I find a particular book or a journal in the Library?

Engineering, Health Science Print books and journals are available in Central Library. Management books and journals are available in Management Library Kandoli Campus Library, and Law books and journals are available in Law Library Kandoli Campus Library.

Q: What is "OPAC"?

OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalogue. This is a database of all books, reference books, e-books, theses, reports, etc. available in the library. It enables speedy searching of a particular book, books on a given subject, and/or a book by an author.

Q: How WebOPAC search helps me to locate the documents?

WebOPAC is the Web enabled On-line Public Access Catalogue and you can search the documents available in the library by putting any author, title, key words, or subjects in the search box in computer. It shows you the bibliographical details of the documents along with its Call Number and Accession Number to locate that in the library.The OPAC is accessible within the campus 24 x 7 hours. For accessing OPAC, a link has been provided in our GyanKosh Knowledge Portal.

  • Go to GyanKosh library home page. There is a search box with caption "Search Catalogue (OPAC)". Enter a word or words from title or subject or author of a book you like to search. Press enter. It will list all books matching the words you input.

  • You can also click on "Advanced Search" just below the search box. It will take you to another page "Web OPAC Page". It provides Simple Search and Advanced Search options.

  • In Simple Search, you can search books by Author, Title (any word in the title, subtitle ) , Accession No. , Classification No., Series, ISBN No, Note/Abstract , Keyword, Supervisor, or Publisher. Use "Enter the String" box to input words etc from any of the fields mentioned above.

  • You can restrict your search to a particular library like Centrakl Library, Management Library, Law Library etc, and also particular types of document like Books, E-Books, Reports, etc.

  • In Advanced Search, you can search books by combining several fields like author, title, keyword, publishers etc using Boolean operators like, AND, OR, NOT in the same query. This will give very specific / more relevant results.

Q: How do I know what e-books are available / accessible to UPES users?

Go to OPAC, select E-Book collection and search the book. You may also access ebooks from the options given at GyanKosh Library portal. .

Q: If I do not get the book on shelf, what can I do?

Incase, you don't find the required book on shelf; you may check the status of the book in OPAC and get the help of the library staff to locate the book.

Q: Whom to contact for queries regarding finding books and journals?

There is a help desk in the ground floor at the "Help Desk" in the Library for queries regarding finding a book or a journal. OPAC gives you the accession number and call number of the book or the journal to locate in the library, and especially for the journal you can contact the in charge of the each section of the library for current issues of periodicals, unbound and bound volume of journals.

Q: Can the reference book be issued to the member?

No, reference books are not issued to any member of the Library. They are only meant for reading in the library.

Q: The catalogue card shows that the book I need is in process, can I request it for issue?

If the catalogue card shows that the book you need is in process, then it takes time for its availability to the user. So it is advisable to wait till the processing of the book is over.

Q: How many book I can issue at one time?

Each students are entitled to borrow books as per the entitlement. please check the Member privilege option for details..

Q: How many days I can issue a book?

The books will be issued to the students as per the entitlement, please check the Member privilege option for details.

Q: How do I renew a book and for how many times can I renew the same books?

For renewal, you may renew online using UID and Password from KOHA WEBOPAC Online Catalogue.

Q: How do I use Self-Issue /Self check out / Self Check-in facility?

  • Select the books and bring the book(s) from the stack you like to borrow, go to the RFID Self Issue / Return KIOSK placed near Help Desk counter. Punch your Smart Card and type your password.

  • Place the books on the KIOSK tray you want to borrow, book(s) will be issued automatically. Select print issue slip option and Collect the issue slip.

  • Please logout the system after you finished issuing books.

  • You can borrow books using Self-Issue facility any time till the library is open.

Q: Does the Library charged fine for any overdue documents?

Yes, a member is required to pay late fee, as per the late fee structure, if he/she fails to return the books within prescribed period of time. Members can see their over due charges by logging into the KOHA account.

Q: Where should I pay the library fine/dues?

At the end of each month Library fine/dues are sent to Finance Department, and subsequently it shows in the Student Portal. If you have any query regarding the fine charged, you may contact at Help Desk.

Q: What should I do if the book I borrowed got lost?

If a user loses a borrowed library book, then he/she has to make an application immediately to the Librarian to get relief from paying the delay fine from the date of application and to take the following actions whichever is permissible as per library rules:

   Replace the lost book by a new book as per the library regulation; or
   Pay the current price of the lost book; or

Q: Is it possible that I can use the library card of my friend on his/her behalf?

Borrowing books using other ID card is not allowed at any circumstances.

Q: Can I reserve books which are already issued to any member?

Yes, you can reserve the required documents in your library account which are already issued to any member. All members of the Library can reserve 2 books. The reserved documents can only be issued to you as and when they returned to the library within the stipulated period failing which the reservation stands automatically cancelled when the time is over.

Q: The catalogue card shows that the book I need is out; can I request it?

If a catalogue card shows that the book you need is out can be requested by reserving it on his/her SAP ID. You will get a notice through e-mail to collect it as soon as the book returned to the library.

Q: Can I reserve multiple books in my name which are already issued from the library?

Yes, you can reserve one books in your account which are already issued to any member from the library.

Q: If I reserved any issued books in my name, how long it will be reserved for me to issue that?

The books are reserved for three days to issue in your library account failing which the reservation stands automatically cancelled.

Q: Is there any alert service provided by the Library from time to time about the status of reservation and borrowed books?

Yes, the E-Mail alert service is provided to the users for the overdue and reserved documents from time to time by the Library.

Q: Where can I get the document that I have reserved in my account?

Reserved documents are kept in the Circulation Counter in respective Library.

Q: How can I cancel a reserved document?

For cancellation of the reserved documents you need to get the help of the library staff at Circulation Counter or you can cancel from WEBOPAC.

Q: Is it possible to issue the books which are reserved?

No, it is not possible. The reserved books are only meant for reading in the library.

Q: Can I issue/reissue the books if I have fine due to the library?

Issue and Renewal transaction will be suspended if you have fine due.

Q: Is there any grace period to be available to the member after due date for returning the books?

Yes, you can avail two days grace period after due date for returning the books.

Q: What shall I do if I need the clearance of dues from the library?

No dues / clearance certificate is issued provided that all the outstanding dues in respect of borrowed book(s) and delay fine, if any, are cleared.

Q: Can I issue the books which are kept for display in the Library?

Newly arrived books are kept for display for fifteen days. Within this period it can not be issued to any member of the Library. But you can read it in the library as an authorized user for the time being.

Q: Which disciplinary action can be taken against me if I fail to deposit the fine within the stipulated period?

All outstanding dues in form of delay fine or lost book must be cleared within the current academic year or before re-registration.

Q: How can I locate books on the shelf?

The library uses Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system to classify its documents and each book is given a unique Accession number to identify it. Books are kept on the racks according to the call number assigned to them. You can locate the books by knowing their classification number and accession number both from our WebOPAC.

Q: How can Research Scholar use the Library?

A Research Scholar can avail the reading room facility in the Library.

Q: Can I bring my personal books and other reading materials to the library?

Yes. The Library allows one personal book for study in side the library only to the students for referring them along with other library books. All the personal books brought in side the library should be stamped with "PERSONAL BOOKS" before entering the library. But issued books are not allowed inside the library reading room during library hours.

Q: How do I recommend a book for purchase in the Library?

  • Faculty, Students, Research Scholars and staff can recommend books for purchase by the library.

  • Go to library home page and fill-up the online recommendation form with detail information. or you may download a "Book Suggestion Form". Fill in all the details in respect of books recommended for purchase.

  • Forward the completed Form to the library through concerned HOD/Dean. Students must approach their faculty/Mentor/ Course coordinator etc to recommend the books for them.

Q: How can I give any suggestion to library authority regarding provision of the quality service to the users?

An authorized user can drop his/her suggestions by writing on a plain paper in the suggestion box placed at the respective Circulation counter of the Library. Library management attaches great significance to these suggestions for providing improved and qualitative library services.

Q: Can I take photograph inside the Library?

Photography inside the library is strictly prohibited.