SEM-1| SEM-2 |SEM-3 | SEM-4 | SEM-5 |SEM-6 | SEM-7 | SEM-8 |

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-I
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
December 2023 B. Tech. ADE, Civil, ECE, EL, FSE, ME, SE, ASE, APE, CHE CSEG 1008 Object Oriented Programming Download
December 2023 B. Tech. APE, ECE, CHEM, ELE ECEG 1004 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Download
December 2023 B. Tech. All Branches PHYS 1002 Physics Download
December 2023 B. Tech. ASE, APE-UP, ADE, CHEM, E&CE, Civil, Mechatronics, MECH, ELECTRICAL MATH 1050 Engineering Mathematics-I Download
December 2022 B. Tech. Chemical MATH 1049 Engineering Mathematics-I Download
December 2022 B. Tech. All SOE Branches ECEG 1004 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Download
December 2022 B. Tech. APE-UP, ADE, ASE, Chemical, ME, Mech, ECE, Civil CSEG 1008 Object-Oriented Programming Download
December 2022 B. Tech. APE-UP, ADE, Chemical, ME, Mech, ECE, CE, E&Com, SE, ASE PHYS 1002 Physics Download
December 2021 B.Tech. CSEG 1008 Object Oriented Programming Download
January 2021 B. Tech. APE, ASE, ECE, EEE, RSE ECEG 1004 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Download
December 2021 B. Tech. (SOE) MATH 1026 Mathematics I Download
December 2021 B.Tech. APE+UP, R & SEE, E&CE, EE, ASE PHYS 1020 Physics I Download
December 2021 B. Tech. All Branches MEPD 1003 Workshop Practices Download
January 2021 B. Tech (APE UP, EC, EE, ASE, ASE+AVE) PHYS 1020 Physics I Download
January 2021 B. Tech. (All SOE) MATH 1026 Mathematics I Download
January 2021 B. Tech (ECE, EE, APE-UP, APE-Gas, ASE+AVE) ECEG 1004 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Download
December 2019 B.Tech (ASE, ASE+AVE, Civil, ADE, ECE, EL, FSE, GIE, Mechatronics, BAO, IFM, GG, CCVT) CHEM 1011 Chemistry Download
December 2019 BTech- ASE, ASE-AVE, ADE, E&CE, EL, FSE, CivilE-Sz-Infra, GIE, GSE, Mechantronics MECH 1004 Engineering Graphics Download
December 2019 B TECH ALL BRANCH SOE-I MATH 1026 Mathematics I Download
December 2019 B.Tech - ASE,ASE-AVE,FSE,Civil,GIE,Mechatronics Engg.,ADE,Electrical Engg.,Electronics Engg. EPEG 1001 Basic Electrical Engineering Download
December 2018 B.Tech. ECE+EE MATH 1009 Mathematics-I Download
December 2018 B.Tech. [GIE/GSE/ADE/Mechatronics/ASE/ASE-AVI/Electrical/CIVIL/FSE/E&CE] EPEG 1001 Basic Electrical Engineering Download
December 2018 B.Tech [ASE, ASE+AVE, Civil(IFE), Mechatronics, ADE, GSE, GIE, FSE, ECE, Electrical, CSCCVT, CS-BAO, ECRA,MAD, IFM, MFT, BFSI, GG ] CHEM 1011 Chemistry Download
December 2018 BTech-ASE, ASE-AVE, ADE, E&CE, EL, FSE, CivilE-Sz-Infra, GIE, GSE, Mechantronics MECH 1001 Engineering Graphics Download
December 2017 BTech MATH 1001 Mathematics I Download
December 2017 BTech MEPD 1001 Workshop Technology Download
December 2017 BTech Electricl CHEM 1001 Chemistry Download
December 2017 BTech Non-CIT PHYS 1001 Physics-I Download

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-II
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
May 2023 B. Tech. ASE, ECE, SE, EE MECH 1005 Engineering Graphics Download
May 2023 B. Tech. ADE, ASE, Mech, ME, ECE, EE+CES, FT. BT MEPD 1003 Workshop Practices Download
May 2023 B. Tech. APE-UP, ADE, CHE, AE, APE-GS, ME, MECH, ECE, ELECTRO-CSE MATH 1051 Engineering Mathematics II Download
May 2022 B. Tech. AE, APE-Up, EE, ECE, RSEE CHEM 1011 Chemistry I Download
May 2022 B. Tech. MATH 1027 Mathematics II Download
May 2022 B. Tech. (All Programme) MEPD 1003 Workshop Practices Download
May 2022 B. Tech. (All Programme) CSEG 1008 Object Oriented Programming Download
May 2022 B. Tech. (ADE, AM&NT, APE(Gas),CE, Civil, FSE, ME, Mechatronics) ECEG 1004 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Download
May 2022 B. Tech. (ASE, EE, ECE, RSEE, APE-UP) MECH 1004 Engineering Graphics Download
June 2021 B. Tech. MEPD 1003 Workshop Practices Download
June 2021 B. Tech. APE-UP, EE, ASE, AVE, ECE MECH 1005 Engineering Graphics Download
June 2021 B. Tech. MATH 1027 Mathematics II Download
June 2021 B. Tech. (EE, ECE, APE-UP, ASE, ASE-Avionics) CHEM 1011 Chemistry Download
June 2021 B. Tech. All (SoE) MRIO 0202 IoT Controllers Download
July 2020 B. Tech.- Civil Engg. + ADE+ ECE+ Electrical Engg. + Mechatronics+ GIE ECEG 1002 Basic Electronics Engineering Download
July 2020 B. Tech. All Branches MEPD 1002 Workshop Practices Download
July 2020 B. Tech. (All SoE) MATH 1027 Mathematics II Download
July 2020 B. Tech. (All SoE) CHEM 1011 Chemistry Download
May 2020 B. Tech.-ADE / GIE / CivilE-Sz-Infra / E&CE/ Mechatronics / EL CSEG 1003 Programming for Problem Solving Download
May 2019 BTech - ASE-Spz-AV / ADE / GIE / CivilE-Sz-Infra / E&CE / ASE / Mechatronics / GSE / FSE / EL CSEG 1003 Programming for Problem Solving Download
May 2019 B. Tech. ADE,ASE, ASE-AVE,CIVIL-ID,E&EC,ELECTRICAL,FSE,GIE,GSE,ME MEPD 1002 Workshop Practices Download
May 2019 B.Tech- ECE, Electrical ADE, Mechatronics, ASE, ASE+AVE, GSE, GIE, FSE & Civil ECEG 1002 Basic Electronics Engineering Download
May 2019 B.Tech, Electrical, Electronics, ASE, ASE+AVE, ADE, Mechatronics, Civil Chemical PHYS 1006 PHYSICS I Download
May 2019 B.Tech ECE and Electrical MATH 1013 Mathematics II Download
May 2018 B.TECH( ECE, Chem-I&II, ASE,Electrical , PSE, ASE-AVE, APE-Gas-I &II) ECEG 1001 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Download
May 2018 B.TECH( APE(GAS), ASE, ASE+AVE, CE+RP, E&C, ELECTRICAL and PSE) MECH 1001 Engineering Graphics Download

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-III
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
December 2023 B. Tech. ECE/EE CSEG 2045 Data Structure Download
December 2022 B. Tech. - EE, CERP, FSE, Civil MECH 2032 Engineering Mechanics Download
December 2022 B. Tech. - Electrical MATH 2046 Mathematics III (Probability and Statistics) Download
December 2022 B. Tech. - Electrical EPEG 2010 Electrical Machines - I Download
December 2022 B. Tech. - Electrical EPEG 2009 Electrical circuit analysis Download
December 2022 B. Tech. - Electrical ECEG 2027 Analog Electronics Download
December 2021 B. Tech All (SOE, SOCS) SOE20B003 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering Download
December 2021 B. Tech. EE, ASE, AVE, CE+RP, APE (Gas), Civil, FSE MECH 2032 Engineering Mechanics Download
December 2020 B. Tech. / All Branches MRRS 0201 Introduction to Machine Learning Download
December 2020 B. Tech. Common Paper MRBL 0201 Computing with Python Download
December 2020 B. Tech. / All Branches MRAI 0201 Artificial Intelligence Download
December 2020 B. Tech ( EPE, ECE, Mech, ADE, Mechatronics) MATH 2037 Statistical and Numerical Methods Download
December 2020 B. Tech. - Electrical EPEG 2010 Electrical Machines - I Download
December 2020 B. Tech. - Electrical ECEG 2027 Analog Electronics Download
December 2020 B.Tech APE-Gas, CERP, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Electrical, Civil MECH 2019 Engineering Mechanics Download
December 2019 Electrical EPEG 2009 Electric circuit analysis Download
December 2019 B. Tech. (ECE, Electrical) MATH 2005 Mathematics III (Probability and statistics) Download
December 2019 B. Tech. - Electrical EPEG 2010 Electrical machines - I Download
December 2019 B. Tech. - Electrical ECEG 2027 Analog Electronics Download
December 2019 B.Tech Civil, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Electrical, APE Gas, CERP MECH 2019 Engineering Mechanics Download
December 2018 B. Tech. APUP,ASE,ASEA,ECE,EL,PSE,FSE,GI,GSE,MINING MATH 2001 Mathematics III Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electrical Engg. ECEG 2007 Electromagnetic Field Theory Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electrical Engg. ECEG 2006 Network Theory Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electrical Engg. ECEG 2002 DC Machines & Transformers Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electrical Engg. ECEG 2024 Analog and Digital Electronics Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electrical Engg. APEG 2003 Power generation engineering Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical MATH 201 Mathematics III Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 204 Network Theory Download
December 2017 B.Tech(EE/BCT/IoT) ELEG 204 Network Theory Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 231 EMFT Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 216 Analog & Digital Electronics Download
December 2017 B Tech(EE, EE-BCT) ELEG 218 Electronic Devices and Circuits-I Download
December 2017 B Tech(EE, EE-BCT) CSEG 243 Algorithm & Data Structure Download
December 2017 B Tech Electrical PSEG 221 Power Generation Engg Download
December 2017 B Tech Electrical ELECG 252 DC Machines & Transformer Download

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-IV
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
May 2023 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 2011 Electrical Machines II Download
May 2023 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2045 Signals and Systems Download
May 2023 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2031 Control systems Download
May 2023 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2016 Digital Electronics Download
May 2023 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2007 Electromagnetic fields theory Download
June 2021 B. Tech. SOE (Minor Specialization) MRDA 0202 Computing with Python Download
June 2021 B. Tech. Common Paper (Minor-II) MRBL 0202 Introduction to Cryptography Download
May-June 2021 B. Tech. SOE (All Branches) MRRS 0202 Introduction to Robotic Systems Download
May 2021 B. Tech. (All Branches) MRAI 0202 Machine Learning (AI-Minor) Download
May 2021 B. Tech. (ADE, ECE, EL, Mechatronics, ME, Civil, FSE, ASE, ASE-AVE) HSFS 2301 Biology for Engineers Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2012 Electromagnetic Fields and Electrical Materials Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2011 Electrical Machines II Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2032 Signals and System Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2031 Control System Download
December 2020 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2016 Digital Electronics Download
July 2020 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2012 Electromagnetic Fields and Electrical Materials Download
July 2020 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2011 Electrical Machines II Download
July 2020 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2032 Signal and Systems Download
July 2020 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2031 Control Systems Download
July 2020 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ECEG 2016 Digital Electronics Download
May 2019 BT-EL ECEG 2008 Linear Integrated Circuits Download
May 2019 B.Tech Electrical Engg. & PSE ELEG 2005 Synchronous & Asynchronous Machines Download
May 2019 B.Tech Electrical Engg. & PSE ECEG 2009 Control System Engineering Download
May 2019 B.Tech Electrical Engg. EPEG 2004 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Download
May 2018 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 257 Synchronous and Asynchronous Machines Download
May 2018 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 223 Electrical measurement & Instrumentation Download
May 2018 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 273 Control system Engineering Download
April/May 2018 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 263 Linear Integrated Circuits Download

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-V
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
December 2023 B.Tech Electrical EPEG 3024 E cars technology Download
December 2023 B.Tech Electrical EPEG 3021 Industrial Measurement and Instrumentation Download
December 2023 B.Tech Electrical EPEG 3010 Power System I Download
December 2023 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3031 Power Electronics Download
December 2023 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3013 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Download
December 2021 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3017 Introduction to eVehicles Download
December 2021 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3010 Power System I Download
December 2021 B.Tech Electrical EPEG 3009 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation Download
December 2021 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3031 Power Electronics Download
December 2021 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3030 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Download
December 2020 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3017 Introduction to eVehicles Download
December 2020 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3014 Performance Analysis of Electrical Systems Download
December 2020 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3010 Power System I Download
December 2020 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3009 Measurement & Instrumentation Download
December 2020 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3031 Power Electronics Download
December 2020 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3030 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Download
December 2019 B.Tech Electrical EPEC 3201 Renewable Energy Technology (Open Elective) Download
December 2019 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3201 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Open Elective) Download
December 2019 B.Tech Electrical MECH 3011 Thermal & Hydraulic Equipment Download
December 2019 B.Tech Electrical EPEG 3002 Power Electronics & Drives Download
December 2019 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3012 Electronic Communication Download
December 2019 B.Tech (ASE, GIE, PSE, GSE, ADE, Civil, Electrical, Mining, Mechanical, ASE-AVE, APEGAS, CERP, ECE, FSE) PHYS 3202 Weather Forecasting (Open Elective) Download
December 2019 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3203 Matlab for engineering (Open Elective) Download
December 2019 B.Tech Electrical ECEG 3204 Introduction to Robotics and Automation(Open Elective) Download
December 2019 B.Tech- PSE + Electrical EPEG 3001 Power transmission & distribution Download
December 2019 B.Tech- PSE + Electrical EPEG 3007 Nuclear & Hydro Power Plant Download
December 2019 B Tech-ASE, ASE+AVE, ECE, ELE, APE-GAS, CERP, FSE, ADE, ME PHYS 3102 Astronomy and Astrophysics(Open Elective) Download
December 2019 B.Tech (Electrical, Mining, Mechanical, FSE, Aerospace, Mechatronics, Chemical, APE-Gas, PSE, Civil, Geo-Informatics, ADE, Geo-Sciences, etc.) ECEG 3202 IOT Devices (Open Elective) Download
December 2019 B Tech-ASE/GIE/GSE/ADE/Civil/EL/FSE/E&CE/CHE/
EPEC 3203 Energy Efficient Buildings Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electrical MHEG 374 Thermal & Hydraulic Equipment Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electrical PSEG 324 Power Electronics & Drives Download
December 2018 B Tech EE, EE-BCT ELEG 263 Linear Integrated Circuits Download
December 2018 B.Tech Electronics ( IoT ) PSEG 327 Power Electronics Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical PSEG 308 Power Transmission and Distribution Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical MHEG 374 Thermal and Hydraulic equipment Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 335 Analogue Communication Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical PSEG 324 Power electronics and drives Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 463 Advanced control system Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 444 Data Communication & Networking Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 308 Electronic Communication Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 349 Nuclear and Hydro Power Plant Download
December 2017 B.Tech Electrical ELEG 263 LIC Download

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-VI
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
May 2022 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3013 Switchgear & Protection Download
May 2022 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3015P Energy Storage & Fuel Cells Download
May 2022 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3012 Electrical Drives Download
May 2022 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3011 Power System II Download
May 2022 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3018 Renewable Energy Engineering Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering MECH 3020 Performance Analysis of Mechanical Equipment Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3018 Renewable Energy Engineering Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3015 Energy Storage & Fuel Cells Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3013 Power System Protection & Switchgear Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3012 Electrical Drives Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical Engineering EPEG 3011 Power System II Download
July 2020 B.Tech. Electrical Engineering EPEG 3005 Power System Analysis & Stability Download
July 2020 B.Tech. Electrical Engineering EPEG 3004 High Voltage Engineering Download
July 2020 B.Tech. Electrical Engineering ECEG 3013 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Download
July 2020 B.Tech. Electrical Engineering & PSE EPEG 3008 Substation Design Download
May 2019 B.Tech. Electrical Engineering & PSE Substation designing Download
May 2019 B. Tech Electrical Engineering ELEG 365 Advanced Microprocessor and Embedded Systems Download
May 2019 B.Tech Electrical Engineering Spz BCT ELEG 407 VLSI Design Download
May 2019 B Tech EE, EE-BCT, EE-IoT ELEG 363 Digital Signal Processing Download
May 2019 B.Tech Electrical Engineering PSEG 317 Power System Analysis & Stability Download
May 2019 B.Tech Electrical Engineering PSEG 309 High Voltage Engineering Download
May 2019 B.Tech(Electronics Engineering & EE-BCT) ELEG 415 Microwave Engineering Download
December 2018 B. Tech ELE & PSE ELEG 308 Electronic Communication Download
May 2018 B. Tech Electrical and PSE PSEG 312 Power System Protection and switchgear Download
April/May 2018 B.Tech EE ELEG 415 Microwave Engineering Download
April/May 2018 B.Tech EE PSEG 317 Power System Analysis & Stability Download
April/May 2018 B. Tech Electrical and PSE Microprocessor & Microcontroller Download
April/May 2018 B. Tech Electrical and PSE Substation Designing Download
April/May 2018 B.Tech (Electrical) High Voltage Engineering Download

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-VII
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
December 2022 B. Tech Electrical MECH 4031P Mechanical System of e-Vehicles Download
December 2022 B. Tech Electrical FINC 4001 Project & Financial Management Download
December 2022 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4016 Advanced Drives and Controllers for eV Download
December 2022 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4012 Industrial electrical utility system Download
December 2021 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4016 Advanced Drives and Controllers for eV Download
December 2021 B. Tech Electrical MECH 4031P Mechanical System of e-Vehicles Download
December 2021 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4017 Sustainable Habitat Download
December 2021 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4013 Alternate Energy Resources Download
December 2021 B. Tech Electrical FINC 4001 Project & Financial Management Download
December 2021 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4012 Industrial electrical utility system Download
December 2020 B. Tech Electrical & PSE EPEG 4008 Automation in power systems Download
December 2020 B. Tech Electrical & PSE EPEG 4007 Demand Side Management Download
December 2020 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4002 Utilization & Industrial Electronics Download
December 2020 B. Tech Electrical & PSE EPEG 4001 Electrical Machine Design Download
December 2020 B. Tech Electrical ECEG 2009 Electrical Circuit Analysis Download
December 2019 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 406 Utilization & Industrial electronics Download
December 2019 B. Tech Electrical & PSE ELEG 472 Electrical Machine Design Download
December 2019 B. Tech Electrical & PSE PSEG 483 Automation in Power Sytems Download
December 2018 B. Tech Electrical & PSE ELEG 472 Electrical Machine Design Download
December 2018 B. Tech Electrical & PSE ELEG 416 Project Management & Contract Administration Download
December 2018 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 432 Solar Cell Technology Download
December 2018 B. Tech Electrical PSEG 483 Automation in power systems Download
December 2018 B. Tech Electrical & PSE PSEG 415 Power Plant maintenance practice Download
December 2018 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 406 Utilization & Industrial electronics Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 472 Electrical Machine Design Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical ELECG 471 Electrical Power Utilization & Traction Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical CSEG 313 Java Programming Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical MBCQ 724 Project Management & Contract Administration Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 481 Distribution Management Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical PSEG 404 Power Station Practices Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 474 Power System Operation and Control Download
December 2017 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 461 Simulation of Electrical circuit Download

B.Tech Electrical Engineering-SEM-VIII
Year Program/course Course Code Subject Download
May 2023 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4021P Smart & Micro Grid Download
May 2023 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4024P Hybrid Renewable Energy Technology Download
May 2022 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4021P Smart & Micro Grid Download
May 2022 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4024P Hybrid Renewable Energy Technology Download
June 2021 B. Tech (EL+PSE) EPEG 4005 Renewable Energy Technology & Cogeneration Download
May 2021 B. Tech PSE & EL HSFS 4009 HSE in Power Industry Download
May 2021 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4004 Advanced Power Transmission Systems Download
May 2020 B. Tech Electrical Engg. + Power System Engg. PSEG 441 Energy Conservation, Audit & Regulation Download
May 2020 B. Tech PSE & El PSEG 471 Renewable Energy Technology & Cogeneration Download
May 2020 B. Tech PSE & EL PSEG 481 HSE in Power Industry Download
May 2020 B. Tech Electrical PSEG 405 Advanced Power Transmission Systems Download
May 2019 B. Tech PSE/Electrical Engineering PSEG 481 HSE for power industry Download
May 2019 B. Tech PSE/Electrical Engineering PSEG 471 Renewable Energy Technology & Cogeneration Download
May 2019 B. Tech Electrical EPEG 4004 Advanced Power Transmission System Download
May 2019 B. Tech Electrical Engg + Power System Engg. Energy Conservation, Audit & Regulation Download
April/May 2018 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 482 EHV AC and DC Transmission Download
April/May 2018 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 491 Indian Electricity Act & Regulations Download
April 2018 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 475 Power System Automation & Smart Grid Download
April 2018 B. Tech Electrical ELEG 453 Advanced Protective Relaying Download
April 2018 B. Tech Electrical Substation Designing Download
April 2017 B. Tech EE ELEG 414 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Download
April 2017 B. Tech EE ELEG 435 Radar Systems Download
April 2017 B. Tech EE ELEG 434 VHDL Download